Monday, 23 April 2012

Allen Jones

Allen Jones flicks between sculpture and painting but it was his sculpture work that caught my eye ( He first started out in the 1960's when the British Pop Art scene had just begun to take off ( "His aesthetic centred on beautiful women visualised erotically and stereotypically as in glossy magazines, advertisements and cartoon strips" ( Jones objectified women turning them into furniture, it is a topic that could easily be seen as sexist, however he has done it in a way that makes women look attractive and it is as though he is respecting the woman form. Admittedly his designs are controversial but they are also done tastefully.

This is the first piece of work by Allen Jones that caught my eye.

Rest of the collection.

When I first saw Allen Jones' work it reminded me of the scene in Stanely Kubricks 'A Clockwork Orange' where the main characters are in 'Karova Milkbar'. All of the tables in the milkbar are women in simular poses to the ones used by Jones. After looking into it I found out that it is a common misconception that the women tables in the Milkbar were made by Allen Jones, however they were not they were just inspired by him. 

Famous opening to the British cult classic 'A Clockwork Orange'.

Jones' furniture/ sculpture attracts attention from everyone who sees it, whether it interests the sexual instinct in them or completely disgusts them it will prevoke some sort of reaction and in my opinion if you create a reaction you have been sucessful in your work, it is when someone is passive about it you should be worried! 

Allen Jones' work is so different and striking that it would be unnatural to not do a double take. I think It is safe to say that this is the sexiest furniture out there. 

306 words


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